Welcome to the BHP Major Capital Projects Contractor Portal

As a reminder, the contractor login requires a XX@extbhp.com ID. If you have not registered with BHP and received your new ID, CLICK HERE (HAGA CLIC AQUÍ) for detailed instructions. If you need assistance, please call or email your regional BHP contact.

The BHP Contractor Management Portal is an online system which provides Contractors on our Major Capital Projects access to their contracts, transactions, reports and more. If you are having issues accessing the BHP Contractor Portal ensure that you are using a supported browser (i.e. Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 or Google Chrome). If you continue to have issues please use the Support link above. Please provide the following information when requesting support:
• Name + Company name
• E-mail address
• Telephone number
• Name of BHP Contracts Representative
• Contract / Bid Invitation number

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Training Materials
Instructions to Tender Online
Contract Communications and Obligations

Training Videos - Minerals Australia
Contractor Training (English, 15min) | English Subtitles

Data Privacy
BHP Data Privacy Notice

To access BHP Contractor Portal you must have a XX@extbhp.com User ID and password. Please contact your local BHP Contract Representative if you have not been issued a XX@extbhp.com ID and/or password

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